Meet The Founder

SunEco Coin's Mascot SUNNY

Joshua A. Gasteratos

As Seen in,, & More

From 11-Year-old entrepreneur to 11-Year Wall Street Veteran Business Finance Guru. Real-Estate Developer. Web-3 Technologist. Cryptocurrency Miner. Tree Hugger.

Building a name; Heralding a perfect financial-industry track record in the competitive landscape of high finance for over 11 years as a Registered Representative, a Financial Advisor to high-net-worth business-owner investors- and eventually earning the esteemed honor of trusted, licensed fiduciary– A true lifetime and a half of experience; evidenced not only in the databases of the most stringent regulatory authorities in the nation, but the hearts of American business owners all over the coultry from Hawaii to ..Maine? All of that, of course, culminating into the founding of several commercial finance firms.